Our original plan was to get up early on Wednesday to take some sunrise pictures, then tear down camp and head for Glacier National Park. It turned out that Mother Nature had different plans, however. We woke up to the sound of thunder rolling down the mountain (just like in the Chris Ledoux song). We jumped up and bolted out of the tent. We just got the tent emptied when the clouds opened up on us - if we would have had another 5 minutes, we could have decamped without getting wet. Instead, we loaded up a soaking wet tent and headed north. We took a fairly meandering path, through Yellowstone, then on to Bozeman. After struggling over some mountains up the interstate (Chevy just a humming!), we got off the interstate and headed into the foothills on Highway 12. We made it as far as the Lolo National Forest, where we found a nice little National Forest Service campground at Seeley Lake, Montana. We set the tent up to dry, then headed into town to replenish supplies and stock up on firewood.
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